In our Title Alliance Cares Initiative, we strive to enrich our team member’s lives by providing a source of funds in varied methods with the intent to help out when things get tough.
All Title Alliance employees are eligible to apply for a Title Alliance Cares resource by nominating themselves or other employees. Critical support resources will include loans and grants, wish-fulfillment, awards and recognition, and other forms of hardship support.
Examples of how we can support each other through Title Alliance Cares:
Decisions regarding the recipients and allocation amounts will be made by a committee. Applications stay on file for six months, after which time applications should be resubmitted for consideration.
Applications and hardships are confidential. Limited information may be shared on our Title Alliance Cares website with permission from the recipient.
Any and all active employee in good standing in Title Alliance or in any of Title Alliance’s affiliated joint ventures may apply for assistance or to have a wish granted. Employees in poor standing; or people outside of the Title Alliance family of companies are not eligible.
Wishes allow for our team members to have experiences that they otherwise would not have without the assistance of the Title Alliance Cares Program. Wishes include the facilitation of building the experience for the recipient as well as the monetary means in order to make the wish happen.
We encourage you to submit any of your team members for a loan or for a wish to be granted. All employees who are nominated must be in good standing and an active Title Alliance employee or an active employee in good standing in one of Title Alliance’s affiliated joint ventures.
Each year, the Title Alliance Executive Team sets aside a fund to be used for assistance and wishes for our team members. Individual applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Applications will be received and reviewed on the 15th of every month for the 30 days prior. Your application for a loan or a wish will be kept on file for 6 months; after which they will expire and you will need to resubmit your request.
Those selected will be notified on or around the 20th of the month via email. Only those selected will be notified.
Loans will be granted and interest will be paid back at the prime rate of interest. Wishes will be taxable under your effective tax rate.
Each application will only be reviewed by the Title Alliance Cares Team.
Applications will be received and reviewed on the 15th of every month for the 30 days
prior. Your application for a loan or a wish will be kept on file for 6 months; after which they will expire and you will need to resubmit your request.
Questions should be directed to: